Annual Dinner Jan 2018
filed in News on Jan.26, 2018
There was a change of plan for this year’s meetup. It was decided (after a number of pre-meetups) to pick a venue suitable for showing some of the old STOIC material from back in the day. Olivier found a suitable room at the Stick’n’Bowl Chinese, but an upstairs room at the Zetland Arms in South Ken was finally decided upon. After a bit of bodging and gaffer tape, a projector and screen were setup showing material cobbled together from a number of sources. Alan and Rex were offering copies on USB sticks.
Olivier had earlier been to visit the Imperial College Archives and made a valuable contact with the curator there. However despite getting access to the actual tape storage area was unable to find many Umatic tapes of Features from 1989-1994. Plenty of news tapes from that period though. The search continues!
This year’s theme was bring something Futuristic. Items included: Doug’s Curta – mechanical calculator, Jez’s Thermal camera attachment and mini computers, Russ’s VR headset,
Andy also brought some copies of his first book A Little Saw (now available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle).
After a short discussion, the following was agreed:
- 1st place
Jez’s Thermal camera attachment
Apologies for absence:
- Hugh Eland – Have great evening and regards from Prague. Hope to join in future.
- Ledda – I am very jealous and wish I could be there! Watching old footage sounds fab
- Bryan – Hoping to be but a possibility I might be working in Manchester on an install.
- Matt – too many excuses to list. Hopefully we’ll see you next year Matt!!
Next year’s theme….
Bring something foreign
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