One Web Day – get involved
filed in News on Jul.26, 2008
Dear Bodgers,
on Friday 25th July 2008, I have accepted to be a “One Web Day
Ambassador” for the day, promoting this cause by publishing an essay
on the OWD Web site.
I write about how the Internet has changed my life over the past 20 years. The essay is based around four anecdotes, aptly titled:
1. Discovery – my first week on the Internet
2. Chinese Dreams – a story about Freedom
3. Creation of the .PS domain – a story about internet Politics
4. 911 – story about communication
Each experience taught me a lesson that I hope will make sense to you.
Read the full story at:
OneWebDay is an Earth Day for the Internet that takes place each Sept. 22.
This year, 2008, is the third OneWebDay. Around the world, we’re
focusing attention on the importance of the internet to political
participation – that’s this year’s theme. We’re also encouraging
people to talk about (and do something about) internet issues they’re
worried about – censorship, the digital divide, inadequate connectivity
The idea behind OneWebDay is to create a platform for a global
constituency that cares about the future of the internet. We make
progress when we make things visible, and with OneWebDay we’re
showing this global constituency that it exists.
To start brainstorming about possible actions on 9/22 itself, see
I highly encourage you to get involved:
Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond, Ph.D.
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