Annual Dinner January 2024
filed in News on Jan.18, 2024
Reposted from (where there are more photos)
Thanks go to Olivier for organising this year’s Bodgers Assemble (10 people). It was great to welcome Ledda to the meetup, as she now lives in Canada. We sadly had apologies from Andy Bennett, Rob and Andy Clark, but their presence next time will be expected!
Olivier, or more correctly the Assistant vice-Deputy to the adjunct Deputy sub-Chair of the Committee volunteers The Democratic People’s Co-operation of PSTOIC helped to arrange a dinner fit for Royalty at a premium location in the world’s most exciting City. Nothing less than the best for the Comrades at PSTOIC! This year’s theme was bring something hot. “Voting” for the date was done via a Doodle poll providing a single date choice to choose from.
The Revolution was arranged to start with pre-dinner drinks taking place at the proletarian pub called “Bow Street Tavern” followed by food next door at Wildwood restaurant. Use of the pub’s Tardis might have been required as the suggested date was for January 2023. Numbers were up again this year, although apologies for absence from Rob (been ill for the past week).
Entries for this year’s theme included:
- Alan’s LCD Hot Air Gun
- Alex’s smoked paprika and AMD CPU
- Andy’s slightly warm wire brushed wrench (remote entry)
- Kevin’s “Hot or Not” meter electronics project
- Martin’s Guinness World Record hottest Pepper-X chilli seeds
- Olivier’s smartphone ammeter / load (repeat entry)
- Rex’s 3D printed red “Hot”
- Wildwood’s Tabasco sauce
Andy, due to preparations for moving house, was not able to send a medal for this year’s winning entry… ChatGPT provided a temporary replacement hot themed medal. Alan suggested a one vote per person voting system…
- Joint 3rd Place
Alan and Alex
but way ahead…
- 2nd Place
Martin - 1st Place
The theme for 2025….
Bring something controversial